Ambition Habits

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

312 episodes of Ambition Habits since the first episode, which aired on June 15th, 2018.

  • Going After Your Big Dream In Your Sport

    October 4th, 2019  |  28 mins 15 secs
    goal, goal setting, ultimate dream

    Going after your big dream for your sport is awesome. And I want you to be really thinking big here. It's important you follow your dream because really what is life all about... to go after what you want.
    Never let anyone else's limitations hold you back, it is their belief and thoughts not yours... so make sure you listen only to what you want and not what others want for you.

  • It's Time To Evaluate The Third Quarter

    October 1st, 2019  |  19 mins 26 secs
    evaluate, evaluation

    Here we are at the end of the third quarter of the year. It's time to evaluate this past three months before you move onto the last quarter and set your goals. Why do we evaluate this quarter first? Listen to this episode and you will discover why.

  • Lessons Learned: Finishing Strong When It Counts

    September 28th, 2019  |  15 mins 1 sec
    lessons learned

    If you don't accomplish your goals for this quarter does it mean you are a failure? Of course not! But for you to finish strong and feel the satisfaction of achieving your goals we have go to focus on ones that you can get done right now. You want to finish strong!

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Loyalty To Self

    September 26th, 2019  |  29 mins 20 secs
    anti bloodline code

    Have you ever felt that you don't trust yourself? You don't trust the decisions you make, you don't trust your judgement when competing and you doubt whether you are good enough to play at the top level? There are reasons why this is happening, so let's discover how to fix it!

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Self Control

    September 24th, 2019  |  21 mins 59 secs
    anti bloodline code

    Being an athlete when we do perform we must have a level of control in which we can perform at our best. But the problem is when we lose it, we lose control our performance level becomes poor. We want to turn the lack of or no self control into absolute control to perform at our best.

  • Lessons Learned: Struggling To Regain Momentum After A Break

    September 21st, 2019  |  19 mins 24 secs
    lessons learned

    Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Focus And Easily Distracted

    September 19th, 2019  |  29 mins 19 secs
    anti bloodline code

    These Anti Bloodline Codes are to make you aware of what will hold you back from accomplishing your sports dreams, so make sure you listen to these because if you are operating in this mode you will discover how to strive towards your sports dreams not get held back.

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Courage

    September 17th, 2019  |  25 mins 1 sec
    anti bloodline code

    These Anti Bloodline Codes are to make you aware of what will hold you back from accomplishing your sports dreams, so make sure you listen to these because if you are operating in this mode you will discover how to strive towards your sports dreams not get held back.

  • Lessons Learned: Some People Won't Set Goals Here's Why

    September 14th, 2019  |  13 mins 39 secs
    lessons learned

    Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.

  • Anti Bloodline Code: Seeing Failure As Devastating

    September 12th, 2019  |  28 mins 36 secs
    anti bloodline code, bloodline code

    This Anti Bloodline Code and the Anti Bloodline Codes are what you don't want as part of what you are doing to pursue your sports career. Make sure you listen to these as there are practical strategies on how to work through these if you are experiencing what is being detailed in these episodes.

  • Anti Bloodline Code: Won't Strive For Mastery

    September 10th, 2019  |  40 mins 34 secs
    anti bloodline code, bloodline code

    This Anti Bloodline Code and the Anti Bloodline Codes are what you don't want as part of what you are doing to pursue your sports career. Make sure you listen to these as there are practical strategies on how to work through these if you are experiencing what is being detailed in these episodes.

  • Lessons Learned: Working On Self Improvement

    September 7th, 2019  |  10 mins 49 secs
    lessons learned

    Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Discipline

    September 5th, 2019  |  27 mins 26 secs
    anti bloodline code

    The Anti Bloodline Codes can hold you back from gaining everything you want in your sport, your career anything you want in your life. Don't let these Anti Bloodline Codes hold you back, especially No Discipline. Listen to this episode why!

  • Anti Bloodline Code: No Conviction

    September 3rd, 2019  |  27 mins 6 secs
    anti bloodline code

    The Anti Bloodline Codes can hold you back from gaining everything you want in your sport, your career anything you want in your life. Don't let these Anti Bloodline Codes hold you back, especially No Conviction. Listen to this episode why!

  • Lessons Learned: Lack Of Preparation Causes Stress And You Get Behind

    August 31st, 2019  |  11 mins 22 secs
    lessons learned

    Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.

  • 9 Reasons Why You Are Always Losing In Your Sport

    August 29th, 2019  |  17 mins 15 secs
    daily success, how to success, motivation, success

    Do you find that you are one of the hardest workers in your squad/team in your sport? You are the one who gets up earlier than anyone else? You will stay back longer and do the extra training? But, no matter how hard you work nothing ever changes? Listen to this episode now to make that change.